You are here : Materials > Material Masters > Shop Work Centre Link Master Shop Work Centre Link Master
This option allows to establish a link between a Shop and its Work Centres. A Shop can be made up of either single machine or many machines. Shop can also consist of machines with labour or only labour and no machines. Further production details can be entered for Work Centres linked with their respective Shops only.
Click on the field to access a list of existing Work Centres defined through Work Centre Master - Entry option. Select your desired Work Centre from the list by scrolling down to it and pressing <ENTER>. Alternatively you can also enter the Work Centre.
Description of the selected Work Centre will be displayed automatically.
The grid displays a list of all Shops defined through Shop Master - Entry option as follows -
Select a Shop by clicking on the small icon on its respective row. Please note that only one Shop can be selected.
Click on the icon to add or change Work Centers of a Shop.
Once a Shop is selected, this grid will display a list of Work Centres that have already been linked with the selected Shop. In case no Work Centre has been linked yet, the grid will be displayed empty.
You can link multiple Work Centres with a Shop.
Click on button to ADD a new Work Center in the grid. As a result, a new row will be added in the grid.
Field Description of the grid -
Work Centre Code
Click on the field. Now enter the unique Code of the Work Centre that has to be linked with the selected Shop. Press <TAB>.
Work Centre Description
Click on the field. Now enter the Description of the Work Centre Code. Press <TAB>.
Click on small check box if the entered Work Centre is the default one for the Shop. Keep the box empty if it is not a default one.
Click on the
icon to remove a Work Center from the grid. Click on the same icon again to un-delete the Work Center.
Once you have entered all the information, click on 'Save' button to save or 'Cancel' button to discard.